Xamarin iOS Certificate Issues

Several times now I’ve encountered issues where Xamarin doesn’t let me deploy an app under development to an iOS device.  In some cases, I’ve found the answer here, but I’m going to lay out the full solution for all cases.

  1. Register your unique device ID (UDID) at Apple Developer Device List.  You won’t have to start here every time.  In fact, if you’ve been developing/deploying to your device for a while and Xamarin suddenly stops deploying to the device, this is not the problem. But if you’ve never used the device for development before, this is where you have to start. You can search for instructions on getting your UDID, but it seems the easiest way is to connect your device and view it in iTunes.
  2. Xcode Certificates.pngRun Xcode and refresh your certificates.  Often times, an Xcode update will require user intervention to accept the Terms of Use, etc. or enter a password to complete installation of the update.  That may be all you have to do.  But if your certificate has expired or you’ve updated the device list in step 1, you’ll have to download the cert again. In Xcode v7 (it has changed over time and probably will again) choose the menu options: Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > [Team Name] > View Details > Download All.  
  3. In Xamarin Studio v5, go to the context menu for your iOS project and select: Options > iOS Bundle Signing. You may have to twiddle with the Signing Identity and the Provisioning Profile.  In my case, they were both set to Automatic after a XS update, but to get it to work I had to change the Provisioning Profile to iOS Team Provisioning Profile.  iOS Bundle Signing

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